See first hand the mindset of people who believe war is a solution, and are willing to do anything to start another one.
November 2015
Face to Face with Dr. Niels Harrit
By BadAttitudeMan in The truth is sometimes painful
The story of a Danish scientist who taught chemistry for 40 years at the University of Copenhagan, who one day discovers the story of building 7. Like so many others, that was the moment that changed his life, and watching his story could change yours.
The New American Century?
By BadAttitudeMan in The truth is sometimes painful
The ‘New American Century’ started with 9/11, the crime of the century. This is the story of those with means, opportunity and agendas, beyond the fairy tales of Bin Laden.
Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths
By BadAttitudeMan in The truth is sometimes painful
A story about the psychopaths who run the world and the primary reason as to why our collective societies are broken.